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Our Rural Future - Funding Announcment

Our Rural Future: Minister Humphreys announces €1 million investment for Agricultural Shows in 2024

From Department of Rural and Community Development 

Published on 22 March 2024

Last updated on 22 March 2024

Images published with permission from the Department of Rural and Community Development. Unauthorised reproduction or editing is strictly prohibited.

Some 122 shows nationwide to benefit from fresh round of funding
Each show to receive grant of €6,000-€11,000 depending on their size
Funding to help Show committees to cover their costs
Minister also launches 2024 Yearbook for the Irish Shows Association

Some 122 shows nationwide to benefit from fresh round of funding

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has today announced an investment of one million euro to support 122 Agricultural Shows right across the country.

As part of the initiative, each show will receive a grant of €6,000-€11,000 depending on their size.

This will support each committee to prepare for the upcoming Show Season, which takes place over the summer months.

The funding brings the total brings the total allocated to our Agricultural Shows since 2018 to over €4.3 million.

Minister Humphreys made the announcement as she launched the 2024 Yearbook for Irish Show’s Association (ISA).

Announcing the funding, Minister Humphreys said:

“I’m delighted today to announce a further investment of €1 million to support 122 Agricultural Shows right across the country. Our Agricultural Shows play a vital role in community life and raise awareness of the important role agriculture plays in our society.

“These shows are the threads that build bridges between our towns and villages, and the hinterlands that support them. They act as a platform for local producers to showcase their products and have become a key date in the calendar for the farming community. Our shows sum up all that is good about country life and I’m delighted to support them, once again, through this substantial investment.”

This year’s €1 million allocation builds on the record allocation of €1 million made in 2023.

The Department of Rural and Community Development will work with the Irish Shows Association (ISA) to administer the Scheme for 2024.

The Department, together with ISA, are encouraging participating shows to be more environmentally aware in delivering their shows.

Initiatives in the areas of waste management, responsible printing, use of single use plastics, and appropriate traffic management should all be considered with a view to showcasing best practice in the area of event management and becoming more sustainable.

The Minister continued:

“I would like to acknowledge the ongoing efforts of the show committees, volunteers, sponsors, local businesses and local organisations that play a role in each of these shows. The shows would just not happen without their support.

“I hope to attend a number of the shows around the country this year. Finally, I would encourage everyone to go along to their local show - you will be surprised with all that the Agricultural Shows have to offer.”

The list of shows to benefit from this funding are detailed here.

Press Release issued by the Department of Rural and Community Development 22/03/2024


The Agricultural Shows support programme is funded under Project Ireland 2040 as part of “Our Rural Future”. This is the whole-of-government policy for rural Ireland for the period 2021-2025. It represents a new milestone in the approach to rural development policy for Ireland and adopts a more strategic, ambitious and holistic approach to investing in and maximising opportunities for rural areas

The Department of Rural and Community Development funding is administered by the Irish Shows Association (ISA). The ISA is the official recognised body representing Irish Agricultural Shows on the island of Ireland.