Call us on: 087285998 or 0851044043 or 0238847742
087285998 or 0851044043 or 0238847742

Guidelines for your trade application.

Insurance Notice

The stall holder shall ensure that he/she holds his/her own Public Liability, Employers' Liability and Product Liability Insurance, as required, a copy of which must be provided with booking. This can be uploaded during the booking process or forwarded to the office.

The stall holder shall indemnify Dunmanway Agricultural Society CLG and the Irish Shows Association CLG and their servants and stewards against any losses, claims, damages and injuries arising from the operation and use of the Stand.

All matters associated with stands are the sole responsibility of the stand holder and Dunmanway Agricultural Society GLG. accepts no responsibility for it.

Trade Space Conditions:

1. The trade stand holder shall agree that Dunmanway Agricultural Society CLG. reserves the right to have each stand removed or relocated.

2. The stall holder shall ensure that he/she holds his/her own Public Liability Insurance, a copy of which must be provided with booking.

3. The stall holder shall indemnify Dunmanway Agricultural Society CLG and the Irish Shows Association CLG. and their servants and stewards against any losses, claims, damages and injuries arising from the operation and use of the Stand.

4. All matters associated with stands are the sole responsibility of the stand holder and Dunmanway Agricultural Society CLG. accepts no responsibility for it.

5. Costs: As outlined on booking page
Fee (Non-Refundable) to be paid at time of booking, on or before the stipulated closing date. Cheques to be made payable to Dunmanway Agricultural Society CLG. 

6. All stands must be booked and paid in advance. Simply completing the form is not confirmation of booking. Confirmed bookings will be notified by email.

8. Sales of pellet guns, bangers, noise makers, balloons, coloured sprays, silly string and anything deemed to be dangerous in a show environment are strictly prohibited. Anyone in breach of this will have these items confiscated and may be asked to leave the field.